Learn CSS Foundations 5
Webtech Learning Provide best practical training on Foundations 3, 4,5 versions in Chandigarh.
CSS Foundations 5
Table of Contents
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used to describe the visual look of a web page. Using CSS, it is possible to change colors, margin, padding, fonts, and much more. This content will consolidate the previously released CSS Foundations and CSS3 in a brand new and updated series.
Advanced CSS and HTML topics
Advanced CSS and HTML topics takes HTML and CSS further, looking at advanced topics such as multi-column layouts, cross-browser issues, CSS sprites, faux columns, optimizing layouts for different devices such as mobile phones, CSS3 transitions, transforms and animation, HTML5 video and forms, and more.
CSS Foundations 5 Syllabus :
- CSS Foundations Overview
- Evolution of CSS
- Evolution of CSS
- Fundamental Concepts
- Fundamental Concepts
- Adding CSS to a Page
- Adding CSS to a Page
Equipment you’ll need
- Yourself. Refreshments will be provided.
- A laptop of some kind. Mac, Windows or Linux is fine.
- A decent text editor
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